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Australian Yoshi's Story TV commercial [ 1.02 MB ].- This video starts with a question: "Can you stick your tongue out, this far?". In the end, the little Yoshi on the Yoshi's Story logo eats the game's box! Thanks go to IGN for this video.
Yoshi Wins the Star Cup and Eats It [ 672 KB ].- In this video, Yoshi eats the star trophy upon receiving it, and turns it into a gold egg. Yoshi probably wanted to lay it as a normal egg! Thanks go to Danny Asherman for this video.
Japanese ad for SMA3: Yoshi's Island [ 1.88 MB ].- This video is INCREDIBLE! It includes full-framed animated Yoshis! You simply HAVE to see this video. Credit for this file goes to the Mushroom Kingdom!
U.S. ad for SMA3: Yoshi's Island [ 4.55 MB ].- This is the American ad for Super Mario Advance 3. Credit for this file goes to the Mushroom Kingdom.
The P jump [ 729 KB ].- This is something funny that me and my brother discovered in Super Mario Sunshine. We call it the "P" jump.
SSBM Yoshi Tribute [ 18.1 MB ].- A cool tribute to Yoshi in SSBM, created by Leoshi.
MarioKart 64 Time Attack 1 [ 1.32 MB ].- A time attack video donated by 'yoshigod'. (Warning: volume is pretty high)
MarioKart 64 Time Attack 2 [ 4.08 MB ].- A time attack video donated by 'yoshigod'. (Warning: volume is pretty high)
Break The Targets in 8 Seconds [ 509 KB ].- A time attack video donated by 'yoshigod': He broke all the targets in just 8 SECONDS!
Japanese Ad for Yoshi Touch & Go [ 2.54 MB ].- Even though the name for the game in this ad is "Catch! Touch! Yoshi!", that is simply the name for "Yoshi Touch & Go" in Japan. (Donated by 'yoshigod').

Wii Zelda