Our Mascot Costume PRANCER revealed on The Ellen Show!!

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Today’s Mascot… WOMEN’S WORLD CUP


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Mascot of the Day! Mr. Stinky…


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KCL designs & builds Virginia’s SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITY Mascot


This is Buzzy, Shenandoah University’s all-new Mascot in Virginia for their Hornet teams. Came out awesome. Big Thanks to Doug at the University for contracting us!

Sand & Jawa Pipsqueaks…


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Doesn’t EVERY kid want to be Snake Plissken??

Snake1 Snake2

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All kids want to be is a SAND PIPSQUEEK…


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FETTBOY is a Sarlac’s worst nightmare…


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When a small can of SOUP really doesn’t cut it… build a BIGGER ONE, or two!


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Why don’t you make like a tree & get outta here!!!


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