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Yoshi Snow Sculpture

Donated by: Ryan Power

I could not believe it when regular YoshiArt visitor, Ryan Power, sent these pictures into me! They are snaps of an absolutely beautiful Yoshi snow sculpture designed by a neighbour of his. It's at times like this when I wonder what happened to my own art skills. I'm convinced they were stolen from me at birth (and I want them back!)

In any case, here they are. There are four snaps in all. I want to thank Ryan for sending these pictures into us, and I have pleasure in displaying them here on the YoshiArt site.

Click to Enlarge

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Have you seen any awesome Yoshi artwork like this scattered around your home, school or about town? Please send them to me and I will see about getting them on the YoshiArt.com site for you!

~ Dino Dude

Wii Zelda