Britishi is currently one of the most famous Yoshian football players in the world. He was born on Vero, a small island that sits on the most western area of the Yoshian Archipelago region. During his childhood, he lived in a small village on the northern coast line. Since the weather was always pleasant, Britishi would always spend his spare time outside. Due to the rather poor nature of the village, Britishi was home-schooled by his parents. Once his daily lessons were completed, he would go out and play with the village children. At the age of five, while walking in a nearby clearing, he saw some of the local children playing a game of football with each other. Britishi stopped and observed the children play an intense game with each other. Once the game was over, Britishi returned home to think about this new even he saw. His interest in the sport grew over the next few days. Whenever possible, he would return to the clearing and watch the children play their game. Eventually, the kids took notice of Britishi and asked if he wished to join them in their activities. Feeling extremely shy, the young Yoshi eventually replied that he did wish to join in on the games. After the kids informed him of the basic rules of the game, they began to play. At first, Britishi struggled to understand the game and its rules. He made simple mistakes such as grabbing the ball with his hands a few times, but the kids were not annoyed by the errors. After a few games, he began to grasp the idea of the game and started to play rather well. After a few weeks of play, his parents came out with their son to watch him enjoy his new-found passion. His parents were surprised, yet proud of what their son was able to do with the ball. After watching him play a few games, they began to talk to each other about his skills. One night, after returning home from another game, his parents sat him down to discuss something. They informed Britishi that there was a small football league on the island. They also informed him that since football was a very popular sport on the island, so there would be many teams that he could play for. Excitedly, Britishi stated that he wanted to join the league. The next day, he was registered with the village's team. Fortunately, most of the team's members were the same kids that he had played with before. Therefore, he grew accustomed to the team extremely well. During team practices, Britishi's skills began to show as he moved the ball down the field. His friends grew to be extremely impressed with his so-called "advanced" skills. On his first official game, Britishi was placed as a starter and set out to prove himself on the field in front of the small crowd. He immediately got to work and played an extremely intense game. His eyes always focused on his surroundings as he kicked the ball down the field. With a final dodge of an incoming player, he kicked the ball into the rival goal, scoring his first point. His parents cheered as he prepared himself once again. His goal was the only point made during the game as his team managed to defend themselves long enough for their first victory. Britishi was already expecting positive things to come as his team proceeded through the season. With each game, his team grew stronger and appeared to be the dominant force of the league. Before they knew it, they were in the championship game, which was being held in Vernon, the capitol city of the island. A far larger crowd had gathered in the small stadium. Loud cheers could be heard as the young Yoshis walked onto the field and prepared themselves. Soon, the game began and Britishi began to pursue the ball to the best of his ability. However, the opposing team was very agile and managed to outmaneuver him. Angered by this, Britishi forced himself to play even harder, pushing his own limitations. His team managed to keep the opponent from scoring, but their agility kept them from scoring. During the final minutes of the game, the opponent managed to score. Britishi managed to get the ball and ran as fast as he could down the field. As he prepared to kick the ball into the goal, an opposing player kicked it away from him and rushed it towards the center of the field before the final whistle was blown. As the crowd cheered, British simply fell onto the ground, crying in disappointment. Fortunately, this did not stop the young Yoshi from playing the game he loved. Over the next few years, he continued to improve himself and soon became a far greater force in the league. During the years, his team managed to redeem themselves and win two championships. At the age of 13, Britishi had a surprise visitor. A Yoshi dressed in a white uniform with red stripes approached the now teenage Yoshi and told him that he was a recruiter for the Vero World Cup Team. He also informed Britishi that he had been watching the young Yoshi for several years with great interest. He informed his parents that he wished for their son to join the team. He stated that he had all the right skills to make him a shining star in the eyes of the entire Yoshian public. After discussing it with his parents, Britishi excitedly proclaimed that he wished to join the team. With that said, his family was moved into a large home in Vernon. Within the week, Britishi found himself in the local stadium, practicing with his new teammates. He was extremely nervous to be playing for a Yoshian World Cup team, but he was also extremely excited at the same time. As he practiced, the other players were already quite impressed with him. Surprised by the reviews of his fellow players, he grew anxious as his first game quickly approached. When he entered the stadium, he immediately noticed that it was a far larger crowd than what he was used to playing with. They cheered loudly as both teams stepped onto the field and soon began to play. Britishi struggled to keep pace with his faster opponents, therefore, he relied on his team to pass him the ball so that he could score. His teammates appreciated his quick thinking as he placed himself into several key positions. With his strategizing, he managed to score two goals in the game, sealing a win against the Yoster's Island team. The crowd cheered for the young Yoshi as his team celebrated his spectacular performance in the game. Instantly, his name began to spread to the other teams, making him a known force in the league. Britishi has become a fast-moving rising star in the eyes of the Yoshian public and his future only looks brighter as he proceeds deeper into a historic career. It may only be a matter of time before he is the dominant force in the entire region, but only he can make that happen.