For YAF Secret Santa 2006 From: Espeon (luigi1681) To: Yoshistar360 ******************* Prologue: In the world of Yoshi's Island the island was divided by six elements of magic. They were fire, water wind, earth, dark, and light. There were six wands guarded by six yoshi's who when had the wands could take their power and almost have the skill of the element's god. One day the wind yoshi named Gayer was captured mysteriously before returning home to his wife and son. The wife was named Helen, and the son was named Galer. Chapter One: Disappearance Galer: "Mom when is Dad going to get home?" Galer was a light blue yoshi who loved the sky. Helen: "I'm not sure but it should be soon." Galer: "Alright." "I'm going to go outside now mother." Helen: "ok but be back soon." Galer went outside and stared at his house, which is a giant house of clouds. Galer lived in the wind part of the island where most yoshis lived on houses of clouds. The houses were apart so the yoshi children had to learn to cast small wind spells to go to other houses and to stores, while the older yoshi's earned wings when of age. Galer casted little wind drifts to push him to another house of and did the same thing until he reached an empty cloud where he was alone. Galer had loved to come here and think about things. Galer: "I wonder where father is since he was supposed to be back earlier. I guess I should go home now to see if he is back. Galer makes wind drifts, which take him back to his house where he goes inside. He goes inside and finds four strange yoshi's whose wings glittered even when there was no light. The yoshi's were talking to his mother then Galer spoke out "Mother who are these yoshi's?" Helen: "They are the sacred yoshi's of the other parts of the island the red one lord of fire, the yellow one lord of light, the dark blue one lord of ice, and the brown one lord of earth. Galer: "Mother why are they here?" Helen: "It is because of your father the wind lord." Galer: "Father! The wind lord! Why did no one tell me this?" Helen: "It is a secret supposed to be kept from children until they are of age, but since he disappeared and you are one year from being of age we thought we could tell you." Galer: "You mean I'm the heir to the wind wand and wind power." Helen: "Yes you are the heir to it." Fire Lord: "Helen we must figure out who should go after Gayer." Helen: "Yes we need to wonder who can defeat the dark lord." Galer: "I'll go." Everyone in the room except Galer: "What? You can't go." Helen: "Galer it's much too dangerous." Galer: "But mother father was taken by surprise he wasn't going after anyone if I'm the wind heir I should be the first to go after him." Helen: "Alright you may go but if there's too much danger flee at once and come back." Earth Lord: "Helen he needs the wind heir's gear and weapons." Helen: You're right Earth King he needs the Wind Wings and a Wind Sword and the Wand. Chapter Two: The Wind Gear Helen then makes a blast of wind that opens a hidden chamber. Helen: I'm sorry but what Gayer told me is that only family may enter so Galer come with me. Galer follows Helen into the chamber and says, "Why didn't I know father was the wind lord?" Helen: "The fact of that was not to be revealed till when you turned 15 in other words a month from now." They enter the chamber and Galer sees wings and a sword on a table. Helen says, "Galer hold still and I'll put the wings on your back." Galer replies, "O.k." Helen puts the wings on Galer's back. Galer screams in pain. Helen: "I know it's hard for the wings to get on but now try flying. Galer whimpering says, "I'll try." After five minutes the wings became strapped on securely. Helen then says, "The other piece of gear is the wind sword." Galer: "Wait let me get it." Galer reaches for the sword and once he touched it the gem in the hilt started glowing with a bright glow. Galer: "Mother why is the sword glowing." Helen: "It is the power of the wind fusing into your body." Helen: "Alright Galer you now are ready to set out on your journey. Now come we must go find the other lords" The two walk out of the chamber. The lords come up to Galer and present a map to him. All the Lords: " Here is a map that shows all the sections except the dark section. Everyone except Galer: "You are ready to go now Galer. Galer: "Alright. Now thank you all for what you've done and goodbye Chapter Three: The Journey's Beginning Galer flies down from the cloud at amazing speeds whizzing past all the other cloud homes. He then hits the ground with force that makes some of the trees shake. He sees a pack of zombie goombas, which he hides form. Galer: " These must be some of the monsters created by the dark lord. I need to make only one come after me." How to do it thought Galer. He then gets a pebble and makes a wind gust and hits one of the zombies with it. Galer: "This sword is definitely increasing my power. I hope the pebble worked." While Galer was talking his plan was working. The goombas had no idea where the pebble had come from and could tell there was magic in the air. He finds a scent that is different form the other goomba's. He then peeks behind the tree Galer is behind and attacks. Galer hears the goomba and turns around to see the plan worked. He makes his attack by trying to strike the goomba in the chest but the goomba easily dodges it. He then tries to make a wind strong enough to hit the goomba into the tree. He then realizes the wind needs to charge before it fires. Galer then dodges another attack and then before the goomba has any time to react he hits it in the chest with his sword and it dies. Right after it dies the sword starts glowing. Galer then sees it and says, "Why is it glowing? Could it be that I killed the goomba and is taking its energy in for it and me. Maybe. I'll need to test it on the other goombas. Galer's wind gets fully charged and he fires it at the goombas slamming them into a tree. He then flies up and strikes the stunned goombas until they are all dead, and the sword glows again brighter than before. He then opens the map and realizes that he is not very far from getting out of the wind part of the island if he flies. So then Galer plots out a route and sets off flying. Chapter Four: The Fire Realm After two hours of flying as fast as he can Galer realizes that the temperature is getting much hotter. Galer takes out the map again and realizes he's entered the fire realm. Galer sees many volcanoes and dried up lava with burning plants all around him. He then sees many strange creatures from zombie goombas and koopas to zombie yoshi's. Galer: "More creatures from the Dark Lord I guess. Well time to take care of them too. Galer creeps around their backs and attacks a zombie goomba the goomba taken by surprise whirls around, but it was too late Galer had already stricken in the heart. Galer then goes after the two koopas flying up and striking them in the head. The koopas fall and then it was just Galer against the zombie yoshi. The zombie runs up to attack Galer, but he uses his wings to elevate just enough to get out of the way of the attack. Galer then jumps up, and starts charging a gale. Galer then waits until the wind is charged and it became charged in a few minutes. He then fired it at the yoshi, which blew him into his fallen comrades knocking him over and killing him with the force. He notices his sword for the third time shining very brightly, and then shapes of what he defeated came up and turned back into what they normally were. ????: "Thank you for saving us Wind Lord. We owe much gratitude to you. My name is Mark, the goomba's name is Jack, and the koopa's names are Eric and Wyatt. Galer: "It was nothing much just trying to keep justice all over the island. Mark: "Thank you again. Now we will be off to find our homes. Goodbye." Galer: "Goodbye." * * * * After some time Galer finds on the map he is nearing the water section. As he comes closer to the end of the seemingly never ending fiery planes when he is stopped in his tracks by a huge wall of fire. Fire Lord: "So you are trying to stop the Dark Lord." Galer: "Well yes Fire Lord you were at my house discussing it." Fire Lord: "Yes but times have changed." Galer: "He must be possessed by the dark lord, so I'll have to knock him out. Galer then flies up to get ready for any attack. The Fire Lord then fires many scalding fireballs at Galer. He quickly dodges them and fires a wind gust at the Fire Lord, which pushes him back a little bit. The Fire Lord makes a wall of fire and fires it at Galer. Galer then flies up too high for the wall to hit him. Galer then feeling the wind wand tucked away in his pocket on the hilt of the sword, takes it out and makes a wind dome to block incoming fireballs. Galer: "If it's easy to make a dome with this I wonder if I can hook it up to the sword." Galer then sees a tiny hole for the wand to go into and shoves it in. The swords gem glows very brightly, and then Galer could fire wind from the sword. Galer then came down from the skies and fires a wind gust at the Fire Lord that starts to push him into his own fire wall. The Fire Lord started to hold back, but it was futile. The sword and wand were too much for him. He fired one last fireball, which hit Galer, but did not break his spell. The Fire Lord finally was knocked out and back to his own self. Fire Lord: "Thank you for saving me from killing you." Galer: "Your welcome Fire Lord. Fire Lord: "Sorry about that last fireball that hit you, but if you keep going in the water realm the Water Lord's pond will heal you. And before I forget I will give you this fire spell which should prove useful against the Water Lord if she's possessed. Galer: "Thank you Fire Lord. Now I will be off. Chapter Five: The Water Realm Unfortunately the spot where Galer had been hurt was near his wing so he could not fly, but instead made a gust of wind to carry him. After a while a huge blizzard appears obstructing his view. He hears scuffling and footsteps to see many shadows. He uses his fire spell to stop the storm. He then sees a pack of zombie yoshi's. He fires a fireball at one them and it almost dropped dead. He fires another fireball at the zombie and it dies, and returns to Galer's side as a regular yoshi. ????: "Thank you for saving me Wind Lord. I shall now help you get my friends to their normal selves." Galer: "Thanks for coming to fight with me." The yoshi by Galer's side freezes all of the zombies. ????: "Use the fire spell that you used on me, for it will return them to their normal state." Galer then fires fireballs at the two yoshi's that are frozen and they die, and turn back to normal. ????: "Thank you Wind Lord for saving us." Galer: "Your welcome." ????: "Goodbye now, and good luck on your quest. As Galer goes on with his wind he sees a huge wall of ice. He also sees the marking of the Water Lord on the wall. He then gathers up a big amount of fire energy and hurls it at the wall. The wall then instantly melted into water. Galer went through the water and saw a palace of ice with springs next to it. He then saw the Water Lord dropping into one of the springs. Galer ran over and said, "Water Lord are you all right?" Water Lord: "It's all right." Galer: "Why did you jump into the springs like that?" Water Lord: "It was because I was being possessed and my springs heal anything so I jumped in, and came back to my old self." Galer: "Good. Speaking of healing I was damaged by a fireball and the Fire Lord told me to use your springs. Water Lord: "You can use my springs at anytime Galer. Galer: "Thank you." Galer goes into the springs, which made him feel very refreshed. He comes out after a few minutes feeling very refreshed. Water Lord: "Are you healed yet?" Galer replies, "Yes I am, and now I think I should set off." Water Lord: "Before you go let me grant you water magic." The Water Lord then grants water magic for Galer to use. Water Lord: "Notice on your sword the water symbol. Galer looks at his sword and sees three symbols. One for wind, one for fire and one for water. Galer: "Thank you. By the way what realm is next?" The Water Lord replies, "Earth. The Earth Lord probably was defeated also so be prepared. Chapter Six: The Earth Realm Galer with his wings healed flies off past the ice and water to land in a desert. He lands and looks around and sees many rivers and fruit trees. Galer: "Well I guess I need a camp for the night, and this will do the trick." Galer then takes a melon, and eats it gratefully. He then took a drink of water from the river and fell asleep. * * * * Galer woke up to the sound of many yoshi's moving around. He then took a fighting stance and said, "Who are you?" ????: "We are the Earth Lord's servants. The Earth Lord was taken over by the Dark Lord. We cannot take any chances, so you must go. Galer: "But I'm the Wind Lord. I've been trying to go, and defeat the Dark Lord and get my father back. And I've saved two lords just look at my sword. The servants see the symbols on his sword, and say, "Alright Wind Lord you can pass, but only if you can save our lord. Galer: "Alright where does he live?" Servants: "Down this river." Galer: "Alright I'll go by myself." Galer glides along the water with his water spells. He then sees a big property with walls made out of earth and sand. Galer: "I must fly over the wall." Galer then flew over the wall, and landed on the other side. Galer then went flying through the air struck by a wall of earth that came out of the ground. Earth Lord: "Well, well, well. If it isn't Galer. Galer: "Earth Lord stop I don't want to hurt you. Earth Lord: "Well bring it on then." Galer flies up to strike, but gets blocked by an earth wall. Earth Lord: "You think it's that easy to hit me hehe." Galer then freezes the next wall that the Earth Lord makes and comes up to him, and hits him with fireballs, then blows him back with the wind. Earth Lord: "What happened?" Galer: "You were possessed by the Dark Lord and I freed you. Earth Lord: "Well thank you and here is earth magic as my appreciation. The Earth Lord then gave Galer earth magic. Earth Lord: "This magic should be useful for defending yourself against anything. The light realm is next so don't be surprised if the Light Lord is possessed also. Galer: "Thank you." Earth Lord: "Let me just get the walls out of the way. The Earth King then shoves the earth walls away with his magic. Earth King: "Remember make many earth walls to defend yourself with, Chapter Seven: The Light Realm Galer starts to see many bright lights. He takes the map out and sees he's in the light realm. He starts to fly down, but sees swarms of zombies and many things he would not want to fight. He kept flying until he saw a city like platform. He flew down to the platform and it was a village, but oddly the village had no monsters in it. He found a strange fruit on a tree and ate it, and it bursted with flavors he never had tasted, and then he fell asleep. The Light Lord then came out and ordered his monsters to capture him and bring him back to his house, Galer: "Unnh. What happened? Light Lord: "You are in my house Galer. I've been waiting for you to come so I can battle you Galer: "What is wrong with you?" Light Lord: "I only serve the Dark Lord. Now we battle." The Light Lord then fired many lightning bolts at Galer. Galer dodged the bolts, and launched a wall of earth at him. The Light Lord then dodged it and fired lasers at Galer. Galer then counterattacked with fireballs. The Light Lord then dodged them, but got hit by one of them, and fell down. Galer then fired harsh wind blades and earth chunks at the Light Lord and he came back to his regular self. Light Lord: "Galer, what happened?" Galer: "You were taken over by the Dark Lord." Light Lord: "Well you have earned my light magic that will heal you so hear you go. The Light Lord then granted Galer light magic. Galer: "Before I go can you mark the spot where the Dark Lord lives?" Light Lord: "Yes but this is where I last saw where he lived, but he probably is still there because it is the best place if someone attacked him. Galer: "Alright then I'll go now." Light Lord: "Goodbye." Chapter Eight: The Dark Lord Galer flies up from the light house and goes to the dark realm. He sees many monsters he had never even imagined. He then flies as fast as he can to the house of the Dark Lord. He then saw it. It was the hugest house he had ever seen with many powerful monsters guarding it. He then flew down silently above the two guards guarding the entrance. He then made earth walls around the guards trapping them. He then made his way inside to see the Dark Lord, and the caged Gayer behind him. Galer: "Let my father go, and restore the island to what it used to be." Dark Lord: "You can have that if you defeat me in battle, so come on." Galer: "Alright." The Dark Lord then fires many dark lasers at Galer. Galer puts a wall up to defend himself. He then fires a fireball and huge icicle at the Dark Lord. He dodges them, and fires back dark lightning at Galer. Galer dodges the bolts by moving himself forward with wind. Dark Lord: "A master of many elements I see." Galer: "What do you care Dark Lord. Your just messing things up." Galer then fires light lightning and lasers so that the lightning hits and the lasers miss. Dark Lord: "Your pretty tough I see." He then does the same thing Galer did to him except in dark. Galer then made a wall of earth to block the lasers and doges the lightning. Galer then did the most powerful gale he had ever mad slamming the Dark Lord into Gayer's cage freeing him and knocking out the Dark Lord. Gayer: "Oh son I knew you could do it." Galer: "Oh Dad." *Hugging* Dark Lord: "What happened?" Gayer: "Yes I forgot to tell you that the Dark Lord was under Demonishi's spell the most evil demon ever." Galer: "Well I hear Dark Lord you were taken over by Demonishi and tried to destroy everything." Dark Lord: "Well now I'll have to get the monsters back." The Dark Lord then makes a portal where all the monsters are sucked into. Dark Lord: "Galer you deserve the power of dark." The Dark Lord then grants Galer dark power. Epilogue: A Rainbow Island Galer's sword then started glowing with all the elements in it, and an island appeared with rainbow's everywhere. Galer: "Well now time to go to Rainbow Island."