This is ABYAY's gift to Yesha for Secret Santa 2006! ******** Yesha's Story This is, of course, my gift to Yesha for the YA Secret Santa. All of it will be in first-person point of view and it makes you feel that you are in fact the character. Enjoy! Chapter 1 It is a nice and beautiful day as I wonder down this peaceful paved trail. The trees are blowing by me. I look behind me and I see Sunny, my best friend. She's a pretty nice and even cute for a rex. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back as I look ahead. I look back again to see her catching up a little bit. "Hey Yesha," She speaks. "How far do you think this path goes?" "I don't know," I say calmly. "It could be another mile or two." "At least a mile more!?" She looks up in the air and whiles a little. "That's still a long walk!" "I know it is," I say as I try to calm her down. "but it leads to a slightly rural city. We can rest there and enjoy a good few nights before returning home." "Why did we leave your house again?" Her tone is just beginning to sound strange. "Well, I wanted to see what a city life would affect my life. We'll spend a night or two at a hotel or something. If we like it, we can make a home there and enjoy our futures." Sunny takes a deep breath as she looks at me with a smile. "I.. guess you're right." She says slowly as he empties his lungs. "A new lifestyle could be better for us." "I've heard a lot about cities. They're full of shopping malls, many restaurants, and lovely sights." "So have I. However, for every good thing, there might be a bad thing." "What could be bad in a city?" "Well... I've heard of criminals stalking around cities and thieves breaking into houses and stealing stuff." "Just remember that we have some extraordinary powers." "I know... the city still doesn't feel like the safest place." "Remain calm Sunny. If we don't like it, then we'll just simply come back! Does that sound good?" "Yes... I understand. I'm just overreacting again." "As you always do." "Hey!" I burst out laughing as she chuckles a little, then laughs as well. I recover a few seconds later. "Alright Sunny," I say as my normal self. "Let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can relax." "I'm right behind you!" She exclaims happily. Actually, I don't know how things will work in the city. What if Sunny is right and the negatives are greater than the positives? I need to look upwards into things like these. I don't know what I'm thinking. I look at another tree as it moves back and forth in the wind. Leaves are slowly falling of as it is late summer and fall is moving in quickly. I hope the weather stays up though; I can't let anything ruin this trip. I really feel like I do want to move into the city, but if Sunny feels uncomfortable with it, then I'd have no option but to come back and enjoy our rural lives. We make it over a small hill, and what I've been looking forward to is in sight. Some buildings reach high into the air, resembling beacons in a way. I jump up and turn back to Sunny. She looks at me in a confusing manner. "The city is just ahead!" My heart pumps as my urge to go there is unbearable. I grab Sunny's hand and then I take off, dragging her with me. Chapter 2: Being right on the outer limits of the city. I just can't hold my patience. I really want to know what being in the city is like. My heart drives me crazy to see a lot of new faces and possibly make some friends! Although Sunny will always be my favorite, I can have some others to hang with as well. At last, after a mile of running frantically, we reach the outer city. The area seems to be quite rural for a city. The buildings are tall, but on the ground, there isn't much of anything. "I thought it would look and be more crowded than this!" I exclaim to Sunny. "It's probably a rural-like city, " She speaks back to me. "Those really big cities have some down sides. Although I'd like to see a city like this, it keeps the same risks, even though they are much lighter." "You don't know that Sunny. I mean, this could be the greatest town that any visitor has ever been to!" "Alright," Sunny sighs as she exhales a big breath. "Let's go." Sunny and I look down one of the streets as the sun sparkles off of the large metallic buildings, creating a heating effect in the freezing chill. Sunny looks around curiously as I continue to head straight down the path. I see some small diners, which one is open, yet there doesn't appear to be much commotion around it. "Hey Sunny?" I ask pleasantly. "Are you hungry?" "I am a little bit Yesha." She replies back. "Well, right up here is a diner. We can get something here." "It works for me. Let's go." Sunny catches up to me as we approach the building. Its windows were very clean as the outside structure, which was made of polished wood and metal supports, made the building look high-quality. I just hope the food is as good... As we near the doors, they slide open automatically. I look down to see that I'm on some rubber flooring, which I guess opened the door. Sunny and I enter quietly and calmly. Inside, the place is amazing! With white and black spotless checker tiles on the floor, clean tables, and a very sweet fragrance, it feels like I'm in some place that I'll see once in a lifetime. Sunny and I take our seats as a yoshi waitress, who is pink and looking young and very sweet, comes up to us. "What can I get you two?" She asks very formal-like. "Oh," I reply back and out in a stuttering-like manner. "We just got here." "Well, I'll be back in a few minutes with some melon shakes and then I'll be ready to take your order." She's very calm-mannered and shows no worry in her voice. "That will be delighting!" I say in a quiet surprise. She turns around and goes through some more polished double doors in the center of the room. I look at Sunny again. "They seem to really care for their customers here." I say to Sunny. "This must be a very nice city for those lucky enough to be here." "I know!" Sunny exclaimed, yet quietly. "First appearances usually show how a town is like." "How'd you know that?" "It's common sense Yesha. The first interaction with something usually shows how a place is." I hear two doors open as the waitress is coming back to us with two large glasses with a pinkish fluid and a straw for each of them. She nears our table. "And here are two melon shakes for you two." She says as she sets them on the table." "Ah, thank you." I say in delight. She pulls up a chair from another table and sits on the outer side of the table. "I've never seen you two here before." The waitress says with compassion. "Oh, we're new here." I answer back. "Just come into town?" "My friend here came with me to try out a life in the city." "Is that so? What are your names?" "Well, my name is Yesha." Sunny looks up at the waitress. "My name is Sunny." The waitress shifts around a little. "Pretty nice names, and they fit you perfectly!" She exclaims, but softly. "You both can call me Sarah." "That's also a nice name." I respond after a moment. "Well, I've found my order." "So did I." Sunny says as she looks over the menu again. "What'll it be?" Sarah asks. "Well," I respond again. "I'll take the Watermelon with cherry filling." Sunny looks up; I guess she's ready as well. "I'll take the Grape Barrage with the melon dip," Sunny says. "It will be out soon," Sarah responds as she stands back up and heads back through the double doors.