Bwahaha! Good luck navigating my labrinth of subalbums! (It's not that confusing, I think the uber-organization helps)
My beautiful art, which I can finally upload now that I have I faster computer ^^
Most of my art is done in MS Paint, which ROXORZ no matter what anyone else says. I also don't have a tablet, so all of my art is done with a mouse. Go on, admit it. You're jealous of my 1337 MS Paint skillz.
Some of my other art is hand drawn, but since I don't have a scanner I won't post a lot, because digital cameras SUXORS when taking pics of hand-drawn drawings (which is my favourite medium).
All artwork in this album is (c)2004-08 Bass_T3h_Yoshi. Give credit if used! Please don't steal my art! (Why would you want to? It's really not that great...)
Date: 09/06/2007
Owner: Bass
Size: 2 items
(45 items total)