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About Digital Art / Student Core Member EthanMale/United States Groups :iconaurorium: aurorium
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Deviant for 7 Years
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Statistics 120 Deviations 5,008 Comments 13,589 Pageviews




Where I've been

Journal Entry: Fri Mar 6, 2015, 11:54 AM
Welp, Animation is hard. Very hard. I'm currently enrolled in LMU's Animation Program, as well as having a job. In other words, little to no time to do anything but pencil test or do all my other homework when not doing my final animation. I feel pretty sad that my next attempt to be active on dA and make more digital art has been foiled for a while, but I hope I get the opportunity back once I'm done with all this animation work.

So for now, I'm gonna be inactive. If there's any really notable pictures you want me to see and comment on, paste them in chat. I don't think I'll be able to go through all 2000 of them...

CSS Journal Coded by FleX177

  • Mood: Frustrated
  • Listening to: California Dreamin' - The Mamas & the Papas
  • Eating: Jamba Juice Energy Bowls
  • Drinking: Jamba Juice smoothies


narkro555's Profile Picture
Artist | Student | Digital Art
United States
I'm just a beginning dragon artist looking to improve. I'm in college to be a 3D animator and modeller for movies, and I will use that and basic drawing talent to further my hopefully career as an artist.

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argus123 Featured By Owner Oct 7, 2014  Hobbyist General Artist
Thanks you for the watch Hug  :) (Smile) 
narkro555 Featured By Owner Oct 7, 2014  Student Digital Artist
No problem! I love meeting new artists.
glowingribbon Featured By Owner Oct 5, 2014  Student General Artist
thanks so much for the fave!
plexusdynasty Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2014  Student General Artist
thank you for the watch :love:
narkro555 Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2014  Student Digital Artist
No problem!
GanashiAshaka Featured By Owner Sep 21, 2014  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you for the :+fav:
narkro555 Featured By Owner Sep 21, 2014  Student Digital Artist
No problem.
Icefull Featured By Owner Aug 28, 2014  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Thank for the fav ^^
narkro555 Featured By Owner Aug 28, 2014  Student Digital Artist
No problem!
Lempiy Featured By Owner Apr 11, 2014
Hey there (:
Haven't heard from you in a while ^^
Is everything alright?
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