The Bowser Shrine - A Fan Site
Dedicated to King Bowser Koopa!
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 → Bowser SSB4 Screens
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Bowser Fan Screenshots
TBS Fan Contributions
Another New Bowser Shrine Affiliate
September 21, 2015

It only took 3 days to make another affiliate! Glacier Gaming is an independent video game site that offers interesting news and honest reviews to all of its readers. Take a tour of what they have to offer!


• 1 link added to the Links section under "Video Game Sites"

Bowser Powered


1 New Bowser Shrine Affiliate
September 18, 2015

The Bowser Shrine and Nintendo Castle are now affiliates with each other! Nintendo Castle provides Nintendo news as well as game guides, videos, original articles, and a plethora of other Nintendo inspired works.


• 1 link added to the Links section under "Mario Universe Fansites"

I did some more research on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) recently, and it appears that Google now highly recommends that one's site is mobile-aware. Gone are the days that the majority of people surf the web on a PC sitting on a desk. Now you can surf while on your phone/tablet on the couch! This definitely makes sense to me, and it is likely why my site has been hurting in the rankings the last few years. However, making the site mobile-aware will likely mean an entire rewrite from the ground-up. Hmm, invest my limited free time in that, or in getting back up to speed with updates? Decisions, decisions!

Bowser Powered


Proud Bowser

(as of December 18, 2006)

Super Mario Brothers and its related characters are copyright © Nintendo. All copyrighted material belongs to their respective owners. The Bowser Shrine is a fan appreciation site only, and is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way. Best viewed at 1280 X 1024 and higher. No contents of this website may be reproduced without written permission.
The Bowser Shrine is copyright © by MagnuM 2006 - 2015.